When Urania was young/ All thought her heavenly/ With age her eyes grow larger/ But her form unmaidenly

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Fur Eliste

Assume two dots above the u.  But she's right, I need to drop something else into the well that is this journal, despite the fact that I scammed out of a dinner party and really only want to go to bed.

Conclusion on why Jane Austen and "My Best Friend's Wedding" are cool with men (insofar as we read that kind of stuff at all and I have been deputized to speak on their behalf), while the Brontes (another missing umlaut) and "Titanic" are not?

Ding-ding: and the answer is Apollonian versus Dionysian.

Question:  Is this because men are afraid of the awesome majesty of women's passion unleashed?

Bzzzzzt:  No, men are likely to find it annoying or inconvenient, even when it is directed in our direction, and any artistic celebration of it insufferable.

But men celebrate their own irrational obsessions!

Bzzzzzt.  Only when immediate and trendy enough not to be noticed as irrational.  A little distance, and men can't stand their own passions much either.  Don't see nobody getting into the Young Werther or Manfred thangs anymore, at least not from the originals.

Sorry, Eliste - more of the same.


Blogger Beth said...

First, most men are MUCH more likely to go nowhere near Austen OR My Best Friend's Wedding, declaring it "chick stuff". You're the exception and not the rule, imo.

And: "Ding-ding: and the answer is Apollonian versus Dionysian."
Why do you spend the rest of your post batting away the anticipated Female arguments, rather than explaining your own rather meagerly worded conclusion on the matter? And yes, the female rebuttals that you cite are both common and asinine, but that's not news.

In conlusion, it's für. FÜR. (I wonder if Blogger will allow that coding? Guess we'll see!)

2:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

And: "Ding-ding: and the answer is Apollonian versus Dionysian."


- stace

12:58 PM

Blogger Paul said...

white whine: Well, why can't I just SAY two dot above the u and not have to do all that complicated computer stuff to SHOW it? What am I, a writer or sumpin?

more white whine: Like any of you guys really want me to natter on in secondrate secondhand Nietzschean babble.

9:36 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is equally acceptable to use an "e" after
the vowel as a substitute for the umlaut.
so it could also be written as "fuer".

ANd I agree, you don't speak for me when it comes to
"my best friend's wedding" or JAne austin.

Although I have admitted to the guilty pleasure of
"everwood" Oh god help me it's not gilmore girls.

12:17 AM

Blogger Beth said...

Hold down the Alt key while typing 129. "Complicated computer stuff", indeed.

I'd say "pshaw" but I'm already beginning to annoy myself.

4:23 PM

Blogger Paul said...

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11:27 AM

Blogger Paul said...

I'm reconsidering even the nonRock me being typically male, so when I expand on this topic, I'll have the luxury of talking only about my own unique reactions, and what they say about that fascinating creature, me. The rest of you men are on your own. But please disrobe completely before visiting me, since all of your defining activities seem to involve substances sticky, smelly, or otherwise noxious. (Stop that, R!)

I remember this great short story about the sexes which revolved around platypuses not having nipples despite being milk producers, a fact I have never checked for literal accuracy. Why ruin a poetic notion by allowing reality to intrude?

11:29 AM


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