When Urania was young/ All thought her heavenly/ With age her eyes grow larger/ But her form unmaidenly

Friday, July 16, 2004

This Spinoff
from noodling around mentally on gender issues in reading preferences - something I'll probably discuss incoherently this weekend.  To me:
Men who worship their women seem sweet.  Women who worship their men seem foul. 


Anonymous Anonymous said...

While interesting, it isn't that unexpected.

Man worship woman- without clarification, it is assumed to be a figurative exageration.

Woman worship man- without clarification, there is no assumed exageration.

What isn't clear is wether these assumptions are a result of traditional patriarchy or a byproduct of the feminist movement. Would we be so sensitive to innuendos of male domination without it? and perhaps this sensitivity is a step in the right direction, provided it is just a transient phase until equality it really met.

3:58 PM

Blogger Beth said...

I think it depends on the object of worship, too. I mean, it DOES seem sweet to me - a man worshipful of the woman he loves - unless the woman is (what I judge to be) unworthy. I've known some guys to get all worshipful over a real bitch - and then he doesn't seem sweet. He seems like an idiot. A sweet idiot, maybe, but a real idiot nonetheless.

But then I think the same thing about women worshipping their boyfriends/husbands: idiots (not "foul"). But I've never really witnessed a woman worshipping a man who isn't a total asshole. And I mean like legendary assholishness, not just a garden variety jerk. Hm. Almost like those are the only men who get the "worship" from (dumbass) women. Back to the old "women love jerks" thing? But I think it's maybe more than that. Huh.

But pay no attention to me and my thoughts on this, because I think this is another area where my brain just seizes up. Gender issues and describing the sexes in general common (non-physical) ways is another area where my brain doesn't work. I may have to blog about that myself. :)

10:31 AM

Blogger Paul said...

I've never been able to wrap my mind around the Totality of the Sexes in Society, but, on the microsexual level, I guess I haven't noticed a particular edge for one or the other in the balance of terror that is romance.

On men worshipping women - haven't seen any of the Human Bondage sorts personnaly -although I did read the book a couple of times - and all those I've seen face-to-face involved a sort of reverence. The difference while the men could admire the women for all sorts of reasons, that final measure of awe was reserved for part of them, and did not make them infallible on all matters of faith and mechanics.

I do agree that worshipped men are invariably assholes: only a asshole wants a worshipper as a lover, and then, once having one, proceeds to believe his own press - and then the weakness you mention may kick in even more strongly - there are OTHER women out there who believe it as well. Maybe the end result is part of what makes it all so vile.

6:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think beth may have said it somewhere, but a point would also be nice, eliste. :)

- stace

1:00 PM


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