When Urania was young/ All thought her heavenly/ With age her eyes grow larger/ But her form unmaidenly

Friday, June 11, 2004

Cuisine Art

Salad: hearts of palm, artichoke bottoms, kalamata olives (nicoise would be even better), feta cheese: why doesn't anyone serve this? Bliss. Oh, hold it...

...back. With pinot gririo. K. 543 on the speakers. No crusty bread, drat - next time.

True civilization is not attainable in the workplace. Or at least not MY workplace.

Side note: giving Federal employees the day off to observe the death of Ronald Reagan did not promote a mournful attitude.


Blogger Beth said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

2:08 PM

Blogger Paul said...

Just noticed it wasn't and corrected the entry. Still...

2:27 PM

Blogger Beth said...

Ah! I didn't mean to delete it! I am learning much about Blogger comments here. Like that my clinging to my old template makes it all kinda screwy. and that the little picture of a trashcan means "delete".

But I'm still jealous of your wine. Bastard.

3:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's K. 543 and why was it on your speakers?

Tom the ignorant (of bizarres references)

12:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Artichoke bottoms...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, drool, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....

1:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guess who's the heathen with iceberg lettuce and bottled Italian dressig. ;)

1:53 PM

Blogger Paul said...

K is for Kochel, except with the best of instructions, I still can't do the umlaut above the "o" and why does Mozart's cateloguer have a heavy metal unlautee names anyway? The specific composition was Symphony #39 in E Flat Major and the reason for the abbreviation is that only people who would care would know what that means (standard rep; major key late Mozart; no major nonmusical associations like Haffner or Jupiter) and now I've spoiled it all and sound 10 times as pretentious waaaaaah. But happy to see you here, T.

Iceberg. That's just so, so - so LJ! On a bright note, I was also using bottled dressing - and despite my celebrity allergy, it was Newman's - my favorite brand. Now I have to start making my own? I am repaid for at leasts part of my pretentiousness.

9:03 PM


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